DreamForge-Games Talent Search

DreamForge-Games is a small company located in California,
we produce plastic miniatures for the tabletop gaming industry.

I started DreamForge-Games about twelve years ago with an
eye to do something I enjoy and break my ties to the corporate grind. It has
been a slow and sometimes tumultuous process but I have always approached this career
choice with a passion. It is important to me to find individuals that share the
same passion for what they do. In my humble opinion, you must enjoy what you are
doing or the end result will not be equal to your potential.

As we step out into the gaming community with a larger
number of products and begin to fully develop Iron Core the game, it becomes essential
to form new relationships and contacts with other talented individuals.

With this in mind, I wanted to reach out to those who may be
interested in working with me on a wide variety of subjects and disciplines.

Miniature - Model painters: Immediate need!

Creative and Technical writers:

Game designers:

Graphics designers:

Web designers - Flash animators.

2D Artists:

3D Artist:


If you like our vision or products and would like to be considered,
please send your contact information to

In your email, please take a moment to introduce yourself or
your company.

What experience do you have that you feel would be applicable.

Examples or links to your work.

Expected compensation; your hourly or per piece or project rate.

I would ask for your understanding and patience in regards
to our vetting and response to your submissions, my plate is full with current
responsibilities but I look forward to discussing the current and future
projects with you at the earliest possible convenience.

All the best!

Mark Mondragon


