3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 167 - 171

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant F4 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant G4 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant F3 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant G3 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant F2 is complete.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 162 - 166

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant D5 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant C5 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant E6 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant E5 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant F5 is complete.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 157 - 161

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant D7 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant C7 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant D6 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant C6 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant B6 is complete.

For all intents and purposes the surprise I teased about last week is finished and ready to be shown off on the 3rd

Worm Racing

I am yet again on holiday for a week or so enjoying the bracing sea mists of an English Summer, so to keep readers entertained until my return I post an entertaining video of Human Worm Racing. Enjoy!

Some of the Factions

There are nine factions, the pics here are of the three alien races that are advanced enough to challenge human doninance. The first is the Dhar-Hazier, the second the Kraggen and last, the Shadokesh. The other six factions not shown here are human.

Some of the Leviathan designs

The Paladin is the most recent addition, the others were started some time ago. The next pic is the Black Widow Heavy support tank and the last is the Assault Leviathan Reaper. 


So the one year anniversary of the project is fast approaching, figured I would whip up something special for the occasion, here is a teaser image.

You should totally check this out.

After a year long hiatus, Metroid Online has just released a new map for Halo Custom Edition!

Maridia is a cave-like area from Super Metroid. It consisted of both wet and dry areas, but this version consists solely of the wet area. Fish swim around its dark and foggy halls, and Space Pirate tech is littered all over the place. Maridia is a very dark place, so you are encouraged to use your flashlight!
This is the first of our maps to have reached what we consider a playable state, and so we have decided to release a public beta so we can get input on what would make both the map and the mod content more enjoyable. We are looking to get reports on bugs/glitches, oddities, and anything else that you think we need to take care of before a final release. Ideally, by the end of this we will have a balanced tagset that can be applied to any map without much adjustment.
- Suit Up, Dive In, and Fight to the Death! -
The Mod consists of the following:
·Samus Aran biped with custom animations and textures
·4 beams from the original games: Power, Plasma, Wave and Spazer
·2 new beams: Havoc Beam and Force Beam
·Melee: Samus uses a beam sword... thingy. It's a concentrated beam of light from her beam cannon. Works on every weapon.
·Super Missile Power-up: You automatically pick it up when you run over it, and it will allow you to shoot two higher-power shots. Expires and is no longer usable after it is empty. This weapon counts as a third weapon, so you don't have to worry about it swapping out for one of your other two.
·Weapon Swap System: You start with the Power Beam, you can pick up and swap out from there. Don't want the Power Beam? No problemo! Swap it out with one of the five other Beams available. Your old Beams do not show up on the ground when swapped, or when you are killed.
·A fully-3d HUD that moves as you move, with swapping icons for each of the beams and a working missile counter
·Custom first-person animations for the beam cannon, including firing missiles, charging, and firing
·A Metroid hatchling as the oddball and flag that moves inside its’ containment pod, with custom idle animation
·Stunning beam FX and a unique gameplay experience with 6 different balanced beams to choose from
·Be rewarded with a healthpack as you kill your enemies or snag one from a downed ally, which adds a new element to the gameplay experience
Requires Halo PC and Custom Edition to play

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 152 - 156

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant G8 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant F8 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant E8 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant D8 is complete.

Level 5 - Catfish's Maw quadrant E7 is complete.

Stand by

Going to take care of a few things around the house, once I'm done I'm going to try to complete the entire fifth dungeon today as a thanks for your patience, I don't like not updating for an entire week, and its not fair to you guys.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 48-51

More updates.

Defiantly going to go back and change up the cliff texture in the water areas.

Up next is Level 5 - Catfish's Maw

Pegs: an inane pain game

Pegs is probably the most fun you can have with a group of friends, some dice and a humble clothes peg. To play, everyone sits in a circle around a table with a couple of dice and one strongly sprung plastic clothes peg. If you can't get one of these you could always try using a bulldog clip although that might be a little too painful for what is about to happen. Players take it in turns to

Working on a new web page and product line

The economy has been rough but this gives me an opportunity to go back to my passion. I have been putting together a new web site and product line... lots of work but very gratifying. Working on three new races and five major factions as well as Households. I'll post a bit more when I am further along.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 148 - 151

A few more updates, this should finish up the Fourth Dungeon.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 144 - 147

Hey I'm back, have some side scroller areas.

More in a bit.