3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 5

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant C6 is complete.

Got the eye soldiers made and put in place in the previous quadrant.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 4

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant D6 is complete.

The entrance to the Tail Cave. Please excuse the blatant use of the Face Soldiers in place of the normal Eye Soldiers as I am dead tired and don't feel up to modeling them yet, I will replace them when I get up.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 20 & 21

Quadrants D15 and E16 are complete

Quadrant D15 is home to a banana loving alligator who also happens to like dog food.

There is absolutely nothing to see in quadrant E16, nothing at all.

Next up is the Tail Cave.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 19

Quadrant F8-G8 2 is complete.

And that brings an end to this little cave system.

Two more small interiors then I start work on the Tail Cave

3d Links Awakening Interior update 18

Cave F8-G8 1 is complete

Yes, the title isn't too helpful, this cave connects the Koholint Prairie to the Cemetery.

I know updates haven't been as frequent lately (still atleast one a day, but not nearly as many as before) I'm just relaxing a bit after finishing the island, hopefully the slower pace will lessen the gap in time between content complete and code complete.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 17

The Witches Hut is complete.

I'm probably going to need to tone down that black layer there.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 16

Crazy Tracy's Health Spa is complete

The only place in game where you can get red potions, good thing its conveniently located on the far side of the Woods.

Oh, and for those keeping count, there have been more updates this month alone, then in all of last year combined.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 15

The last cave in the woods is complete.

If you have time, take a moment to look at E.code Symphon.exe a game currently in the planning stages by my good friend Bryan (the same friend who suggested the 2d/3d mix) you can find a link to his project blog on teh right side of this page.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 14

The last part of this particular cave is complete

As per usual, no scenery is included, normally this area would be full of rocks.

Six more interiors left, then its off to the Tail Cave.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 13

Another cave is complete

3d Links Awakening Interior update 12

Cave... 1... I guess... is complete

Yeah, not sure how I'm going to name all these caves, anyway, this one is located in the Mysterious Woods, leads to the Mushroom.

In another news, a new Zelda game was announced today, the Spirit Tracks, fan response has been... mixed... I'll wait until I actually play it before passing judgment.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 11

The Library is complete.

I was going to post a render of all the village interiors, but I noticed a few of them were missing an outer wall like you see in the library, I think it was just the areas made before the Roosters Grave, anyway I'm off to fix those up.

One thing that worries me is the very real fact that I might get all the art related content finished months before the programming is complete. Were that to be the case, I don't know what I would post about between content complete and code complete. Not to say anything bad about Ryan, he is doing a Hell of a job, considering he is basically programming an entire game from scratch, I'll see if he would like some more programmers to help him, would help get the game complete faster, and relieve some of his massive work load.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 10

The bottom of the well is complete.

Unlike the bubbling pot of nightmare fuel that is the Ocarina of Time's bottom of the well, all this one contains is a heart piece. (But I can fix that... cue evil laughter)

3d Links Awakening Interior update 9

Ms. MeowMeow's house is complete.

That is a pretty big dog house over there.

Games Game Games!

Working on Ms MeowMeow's house right now, but since some people were asking what game systems I had, I thought I might as well post this.

Yes, that is a cdi in the middle there.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 8

Old Man Ulrira's house is complete.

Yes, the home of the creepy old guy who sits around all day waiting for Link to call him.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 7

The Trendy Games arcade is complete.

Most of the day was spent making the two tech demo rooms and exporting all the required animations for the Links. Not sure if I should put up renders of the tech rooms, since they won't be in the final game.

Public Tech Demo

Me and Ryan are now working towards two public tech demos, one will feature 3d model Link, the other will feature 2d sprite Link. The tech demos will consist of two rooms, the first has lots of different textures on the floor, so you can see how well Link shows up against various textures. The second room will have Rolling Bones constantly pushing his spiked roller back and forth, this will let you try out combat with both Links (not sure if you or Rolling Bones will be able to die in the demo).

One of the biggest lessons we learned with the last demo is that it could only run on Windows Machines, so to fix that the tech demos will open in an offline internet browser, rather then from a .bin file, this should allow it to be played on any OS.

Since the poll has basically been a constant 50/50, these tech demos should really help decide which art style to use once and for all.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 6

The Hardware store is complete.

Yes, it looks rather empty without anything for sale.

I'm thinking I might make the shop keeper a boss in a bonus dungeon, he could fight sorta like Aganhim.

3d Links Awakening Major update 21 I guess

Lvl 0 -Dreamshrine quadrant B2 is complete.

And so is the rest of the Dreamshrine.

Man, this dungeon looks hard.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 3

Lvl 0 -Dreamshrine quadrant B1 is complete.

See? Much faster without feline interference.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 2

Lvl 0 -Dreamshrine quadrant A1 is complete.

Took me a bit to finish this one because one of our cats decided that the mouse pointer must die.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 1

Lvl 0 -Dreamshrine quadrant A2 is complete.

Since it uses the same graphics as a dungeon, I am considering the Dreamshrine to be a mini dungeon (it is 1/16th the size of a normal dungeon)

Sorry if you were hoping for the Tail Cave, that will come a bit later.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 5

The Dream shrine is complete.

I'm hoping to get some really cool 8bit fire effects in those fire pits there

3d Links Awakening Interior update 4

The grave of the Flying Rooster is complete.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 3

The Quadruplet's house is complete.

I don't know why, but these interiors seem a lot crisper then the overworld quads.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 2

The Phonebooth is complete.

Sure its tiny, but its used a lot, may as well get it out of the way. I'm not sure how interesting most of the interior updates will be, but I need to get the village done before moving on to the Tail Cave

3d Links Awakening Interior update 1

While you have seen pieces of my interior test map in the renders with the Link Sprites and the last two boss updates, this is the first actual game interior completed.

Tarin's house, the very first area you see in game, the very first quadrant completed, and now the very first interior completed.

3d Links Awakening Character update 15

Moldorm is complete, to celebrate, have a pose that you will never find in game:

3d Links Awakening Character update 14

Rolling Bones and his spiked roller are complete.

I need to touch up the black outlines on Rolling Bones, but otherwise I am quite happy with him. I'll see if I can't knock out a quick tech demo fight against him, mostly to see how well using sprites works in engine.

Art Change 2

As per request, here is a line up of the various links and moblins (cept for the middle one, couldn't find a ALttP moblin sprite)

Note, the Link/Moblin on the far left are how big they should be compared to the overworld, my models are just smaller then they should be.

Art change?

One of my friends has got it in my head that I should use sprites in the remake, meaning all the areas, dungeons, objects, and bosses are 3d models, while all the characters and normal enemies are 2d sprites (he described it as along the lines of Ragnarok Online. This would vastly speed up production (and the sprites could be enhanced, like Street Fighter 2 HD Remix) but I would rather let you, the readers (the ones who will actually be playing the game) decide.

So, all 3d models, or 3d world, bosses, objects with 2d characters and items?

3d Links Awakening Major update 20. All Good Things edition

Wednesday September 3rd, 2008 9:08 PM The first quadrant is shown on the blog.

Wednesday March 18th, 2009 11:00 AM The final quadrant is placed on the blog.

Quadrant G1, the Windfish's Egg, Mt. Tamaranch, and Koholint Island are all complete.

Wake the Windfish.

Mt. Tamaranch in all its glory. While the egg may not be the tallest point on the map, the top of Mt. Tamaranch is the highest location the player can reach, a good 364 units above the see.

A mock up Title Screen/logo still playing around with the camera angle.

Koholint Isle, finally complete, click the image for medium size, full size will be avaliable on Deviant Art shortly.

Another shot of the Island, again, click for medium size, full size will be avaliable on Deviant Art shortly.

Alright, I am going to take a few days to figure out every model and interior needed for the upcoming beta version of the game, once I have that figured out I will give you an update every step of the way. Koholint Island may be finished, be we still have a long way to go before the game is complete.

See you next update
~Lord MithosKuu Amadeus Mandylion

3d Links Awakening Quadrant update 223

Quadrant G2 is complete

The base of Mt. Tamaranch, the only place left to go is up.

3d Links Awakening Major update 19

Quadrant A1 is complete and with it the Western Tal Tal Mountain Range

Another back entrance to Turtle Rock, a Heart Piece is located at the top of the stairs

The Western Tal Tal Mountains, not as impressive as their Eastern Counterpart, but far more deadly.

Koholint Island as it stands right now, you can see where Mt. Tamaranch will go, right between the Eastern and Western Mountains.

The next, and final, area is Mt. Tamaranch

3d Links Awakening Quadrant update 222

Quadrant A2 is complete.

The main entrance to the eighth dungeon, Turtle Rock. You must defeat Turtle Head in order to gain entrance.

Only three quadrants left.

3d Links Awakening Quadrant update 221

Quadrant B1 is complete.

Here we have the last teleporter in the game, and thats about it.

3d Links Awakening Quadrant update 220

Quadrant B2 is complete.

I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to build a phone booth way up there, especially considering what all you need to even reach that area.

3d Links Awakening Quadrant update 219

Quadrant C1 is complete.

One of the many entrances to Turtle Rock.

3d Links Awakening Quadrant update 218

Quadrant C2 is complete.

Almost there...

3d Links Awakening Quadrant update 217

Quadrant D1 is complete

This quadrant is home to Koholint's version of Spectacle Rock and grants access to Turtle Rock