Whistling Balloons

Strange Games has received a superb party game submission from Elsie McDonald, called Whistling Balloons. Elsie writes, "To play you are going to need a balloon that makes a whistling noise when you fire it (one each for every person playing) You could use normal balloons, but it's not as fun and loud! Make sure they are the long and thin ones! Each player, (minimum of 3) takes a balloon and

Happy winter time holiday that may or may not be Christmas depending on your religious beliefs!

So I was supposed to record videos of each of the areas featured here, but spaced out and completely forgot to do that. So instead you get to look at this awesome logo for five minutes while listening to bits of music taken from several different tracks that the wonderful Dan Vithyavuthi has composed for this project. Enjoy, and happy holidays!

You can find more of Dan's music at http://www.vithyavu-music.com/

3d Link's Awakening Dungeon Update 226 - 231

Level 6 - Face Shrine Side Scrolling quadrant 1 A1 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine Side Scrolling quadrant 1 B1 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine Side Scrolling quadrant 2 A1 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine Side Scrolling quadrant 2 B1 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine Side Scrolling quadrant 3 A1 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine Side Scrolling quadrant 3 B1 is complete

Alright, off to the mountains!

New Link

I added a new link, I was sadly remiss in not adding it earlier; the Yahoo group Sci-Fi Concepts And Designs. Hosted by the talented JBR; John Bear Ross

Description: This group is a forum for discussion, feedback, and showing off futuristic designs and prototypes made by professional and amateur artists, digital and otherwise. "Hands-on" Artists, 3D Artists, and vendors of prototyping services, CAD/CAM/CNC, and other aspects of production are welcome to post.

Also invited are those of you out there who are interested in turning visions of the future not just into pretty pictures, but models you can hold in your hot little hands.

This is where I and many talented digital artists and sculptors discuss sci-fi and computer aided design for the gaming industry.

Drop in and say hello.

Some work for MERCS

John Bear Ross was stacked with work and very graciously referred his client to me to have some work done.

I recently had the opportunity to work with Tom, Keith and Brian over at MERCS http://www.mercsminis.com/ They make stellar miniatures for you 28mm sci-fi fans.
The art they supplied made my job a breeze, as I could see from the highlighting what the curve and angle of each component was meant to be in the design process.

3d Link's Awakening Major Update 28

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant E5 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant E4 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant E3 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant E2 is complete

Perspective view

Top Down view

Just a few side scrolling areas then we are off to the Eastern Tal Tal Mountain range.

The Passive Agressive Door Holding Game

An e-mail from Strange Games' reader Daryl Hrdlicka (inventor of the brilliant game Hat Ball) entitled Games that Other People Don't Know They Are Playing brings to my attention the Passive Aggressive Door Holding Game.First featured in a cartoon on passive aggressive notes.com the game is an ideal office game that is as simple as it is cruel.As you open the door to enter somewhere keep it

Sheep ~ a game dedicated to John Leech MP

Strange Games has been honoured yet dismayed to receive an e-mail from Liberal MP John Leech's office questioning the safety and suitability of certain games contained in this blog and in the book Strange Games (described by the Sunday Times as the perfect gift for less cerebral family members here...). He feels that they may be dangerous and possibly cause harm to participants and therefore

3d Link's Awakening Dungeon Update 219 - 225

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant G4 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant G3 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant G2 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant H4 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant H3 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant H2 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant H1 is complete

Just four rooms left before we move on to the Eastern Mountain Range.

Bus Stop Chicken

Bus Stop Chicken is the winning game in the recent 'Win Strange Games the Book' competition and was sent in by reader Steve Bancroft. It is both delightfully simple and stupid - two attributes that are necessary for the best strange games. And it is cheap to play too, needing only the purchase of a bus ticket. Steve writes:'The people who are contesting to be bus stop chicken champ sit on the

Leviathan Crusader and Mortis update

I'm currently working on a project with a NDA so I cannot discuss it until he does a reveal... To fill the lack of posts I thought I would put up some updated pics of my Leviathan Crusader and Leviathan Mortis. You can see the upper leg and engine details that were not rendered in the last pics I posted.

When I get the chance I will model some extra armor for the Crusader as this mech will be heavily armored and slower than its brother Mortis. The weapon load out for each is different but these pics only have the Crusaders weapons as I need to get right back to my clients project.

Some weapons for Comfy Chair Mechs....

Bob wanted to up size some weapons for his Wolf and Spider Mechs, he sent me some sketches and what I had hoped would be a quick project turned out to take a bit of time. Bob has always been very patient and gracious and even with the unexpected delay he did not break stride. These went off to the printer tonight and I cant wait to see these mounted and ready for combat. You can see the wonderfull mechs these fit on over at John Bear Ross's blog page.

3d Link's Awakening Dungeon Update 212 - 218

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant F6 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant F5 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant F4 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant F3 is complete

I already noticed the mistake made here, it has been fixed since the render.

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant G6 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant G7 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant G5 is complete

Flymech back from the printer and metal master form the caster

I love seeing the completed prints!

Human Skipping

You know how very tall people are often rubbish at skipping. Well now they can play too....as long as they don't mind being the rope.

Knife Baseball

If you get tired of the marvellous game of Split the Kipper (taking turns to accurately throw a knife close to the feet of your opponent) then maybe it is time to take up the game of Knife Baseball. This is another silly, probably best not played game where the four bases of a baseball game are simulated using flicks of a pen knife. To play you will need a pen knife that has two different sized

Back at it...

I got side tracked by a few things but I'm back at my customers orders and hope to be back in full swing shortly.

3d Link's Awakening Dungeon Update 207 - 211

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant D2 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant D4 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant D5 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant E7 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant F7 is complete

repost: Slap Heads

To celebrate Strange Games the Book being published (a book that has been described by Jenny Murray on Woman's Hour as, 'Not only the dog's bollocks but quite possibly the cat's bollocks of humor related christmas gift books) we repost one of our favourite games: Slap Heads.For two players at a time, one stands facing the other. The slapping player stands with their hands held out in front of

3d Link's Awakening Dungeon Update 206

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant D3 is complete

An Owl statue can be found here between the two torches, you know, if you use those silly things.

3d Link's Awakening Dungeon Update 202 - 205

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant B2 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant B3 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant C3 is complete

Level 6 - Face Shrine quadrant C4 is complete