3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 13

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant B4 is complete

While I have been making several posts lately, I know that I am making fewer actual quadrant updates. I am sorry about this, I am trying to get used to my new diet and exercise routine (wouldn't you know, after working a year at McDonalds and two as a Game tester, I've put on a little weight) quadrant updates should speed up again shortly.

Also I was asked by one of my close friends to be the reverend (long story, short version is I am a priest of a generic religion set up to allow people of different faiths to be easily wed) for him and his fiancee's wedding, so when ever they decide to do that, I won't be making updates that day.

(for those wondering, I've already lost around 7 lbs during my first week, yay me!)