Public Tech Demo

Me and Ryan are now working towards two public tech demos, one will feature 3d model Link, the other will feature 2d sprite Link. The tech demos will consist of two rooms, the first has lots of different textures on the floor, so you can see how well Link shows up against various textures. The second room will have Rolling Bones constantly pushing his spiked roller back and forth, this will let you try out combat with both Links (not sure if you or Rolling Bones will be able to die in the demo).

One of the biggest lessons we learned with the last demo is that it could only run on Windows Machines, so to fix that the tech demos will open in an offline internet browser, rather then from a .bin file, this should allow it to be played on any OS.

Since the poll has basically been a constant 50/50, these tech demos should really help decide which art style to use once and for all.