Pre-Orders Are Now Closed…

I would like to thank my customers and the gaming community for a very successful pre-order. We filled 50 slots in far shorter time than I had imagined. I will be batching up the orders and sending them off to the caster tomorrow morning.

Does this mean that you cannot place an order? No, we will continue to accept orders and all orders will be filled in the order they are received.

The completion of pre-orders will allow me to give my caster a group order and receive a discount that I passed along to my customers in the pre-order pricing.

Some of you have noticed that the instructions for the Leviathan Crusader have not been posted yet… I will be working on these and updating the link ASAP. They will be posted before the first kit has shipped.

Once again, to all my current and future customers, THANK YOU for your business… I sincerely hope that you enjoy your purchase.
All the best,