3d Links Awakening Major update 9

Yes, another Major update, this one twice as major as the last two! Yay!

Quadrant E5, I forgot to render it until after I attached it to the rest of the prairie, oh well, lots of pot holes surrounding the location of a piece of heart.

The entirety of the Koholint Prairie, which is covered in trees and 1/4th of it is a big ditch. Who names these places?!

Something else you should know: Quadrant E5 makes for our 128th completed quadrant! Whats that you say? Why should we care that you hit 128 quadrants? Simple! There are exactly 256 quadrants on the overworld, and what is half of 256? 128! Yes, as of this update Koholint Island is exactly 50% complete! You should totally start making bets as to how many more weeks/months it will take to finish it, or something.

Ah, isn't half an island just beautiful?

Part 2 of the level creation series: