3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 39 & 40

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto quadrant D7 is complete

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto quadrant E7 is complete

By default all red switch blocks are in the raised position and all blue switch blocks are in the lowered position. (Are you tired of me talking about switch blocks yet?)

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 38

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto Quadrant D6 is complete.

Those red squares are the other color of switch block, whenever the Red blocks are raised, the blue blocks will be lowered, and vice versa. While this is a little more helpful to the player then the original monotone blocks, it makes the programmers job MUCH easier, they don't have to guess which set the blocks belong to.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 36 & 37

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto quadrant C6 is complete.

Slight change from the original game, we will be using the Ages/Seasons red and blue switch blocks instead of the originals monotone switch blocks. What are switch blocks? Simple, there are a set of red blocks and a set of blue blocks, one set will be raised (meaning you can't walk over them) and the other will be lowered, and you hit a switch to lower/raise them, in the original game both sets were blue.

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto quadrant C7 is complete.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 35

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto quadrant A5 is complete.


I've already answered this before, but since that post is now lost in the great abyss that is the archives, I'm answering it again (and adding an FAQ to the bottom of the page)

Are you planning to do the Oracle games sometime after Awakening?

Short answer, No.
Long answer, I would love to but there are just too many problems involved with making them that I don't want to attempt to solve.

1. The Overworld(s)
One of the biggest problems is the Overworlds. There are seven (7) of them! Labrynna Present, Labrynna Past, Holodrum Spring, Holodrum Summer, Holodrum Fall, Holodrum Winter, and Subrosia. Look how long it took me to make one overworld, then multiply that by 7! And then theres the fact that I would have to cut up each area of Holodrum just so I can have peices of each season visible at the same time.

Possible Sollution: I would need a much bigger team of modelers and programmers.

2. The Linked game.
I have no idea how the password system works.

Possible Sollution: Find out how the password system works.

3. The Caves.
While working on Link's Awakening, I have the benefit of being able to use this super awesome map which includeds all the dungeons and caves, I just click on an entrance on the overworld and it takes me to the interior. I don't have that with OoA/S, I have maps of the overworlds and the dungeons, but nothing on the caves.

Possible Sollution: Find a way to rip all the caves and interiors from both games.

There are other problems, but these are the three biggest ones, if I could solve them then I might consider making the Oracle games, so it could happen, its just not likely.

But thats not to say some parts from the Oracle games won't be popping up in LA...

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 34

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto quadrant A6 is complete

As a bonus, here is a shot comparing the size of a room in Link's Awakening, with a dungeon room from the Oracles Series.

(Note: In the Oracle games, the overworld uses the 10x8 room, the 15x11 room is only used in dungeons)

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 33

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto quadrant B6 is complete.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 32

Level 2 - Bottle Grotto quadrant B7 is complete.

3d Links Awakening Interior update 23&24

The Swamp Cave (A3 & B3) is complete.

Next up is the Bottle Grotto

3d Links Awakening Interior update 22

Interior quadrant A4 is complete.

If I remember correctly, this is the home of Mr. Write who plays apart in the trading sequence.

Quick! Think of a post title!

No update today, working on Hinox and let me tell you, he does NOT translate well from sprite to model.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 31

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant side scroller 4 is complete

Yay for... corpses hanging from... chains... the hell kind of kids game is this?!

I will replace those corpse textures with actual models once I'm not feeling lazy.

This marks the last (I mean it this time) area in the Tail Cave, up next is a house interior, two caves, and then the Bottle Grotto.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 30

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant side scroller 3 is complete

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 29

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant side scroller 2 is complete

New pillars are in.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 28

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant... I don't know, side scroller 1, is complete

So yeah, no idea as to how these side scroller areas will actually be displayed in game, so this is all very much subject to change, same with those box pillars, I'm going to replace those with actual pillars when I'm not tired.

Ear Tug of War

Strange Games recently received an e-mail from a reader calling herself Kimberley Clarke - in it she describes a marvellous game that needs just a couple of people and a rubber band. The game is called Ear Tug of War.Kimberley writes, "Ear Tug of War is extremely simple to play as well as nerve wracking and often painful. For two players. Each stands facing the other as close as possible then

What ever happened to Metroid?

I've been asked a few times "What ever happened to Metroid?" I threw a teaser image up a few months ago, promising more info "soon" and we haven't heard from it since. The reason for that is because I haven't worked on it in forever, this is because of four separate factors:

One: I want to focus my efforts on LA and get it released to you as soon as possible.

Two: There was just too much I wanted to do with the Helix project, I wanted to make a 2.5d (3d models, but in a 2d environment, like smash bros) Metroid engine that lots of people could use, it would have all the power ups, enemies, and bosses from the first three games built in, so you just made the map and place in whatever you want, or make new items/enemies. I was going to use this engine to remake the first three Metroid games, then release the engine to the public.

Needless to say, this was way too ambitious, I can barely find one guy to program a Zelda game, where was I going to get the man power to make something like this? Awesome but impracticable.

Three: I wasn't happy with how my Models (namely Samus and Ridley) came out, I based them on their Super Metroid design, but I just couldn't get them to look good.

Four: I really want to start work on my own game, not one based on someone else's IP, but one I can call my own, one I can submit to contests or put on my resume. (Incidentally, I've already started planning the basics of my next game, but I'm not going to start any real work on it until LA is done)

So, what happened to Metroid? It's been sitting on my hard drive, cold and alone, waiting for me to find a way to make it not needlessly complex. Will I ever get back to it? Maybe as a side project, but my priorities are going to be LA and my own games.

To mourn this news, I have included the only two models I completed for Helix, Samus and Ridley, based on their designs from Super Metroid.

Click the pictures for full size.

These guys both have illumination maps (makes parts of them glow) for their eyes/visor/claws/etc, but I disabled them for these renders to remove the shadows from the models.

3d Links Awakening Major update 22

Alright Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant G1 is complete, thus bringing an end to the Tail Cave

After defeating the Moldorm you enter this room, containing The Full Moon Cello, the first of eight Instruments of the Siren needed to wake the Windfish

Perspective view of the Tail Cave, click image for full size

Top down view of the Tail Cave, click image for full size.

I've made a post on gamedevs, looking for more programmers, I want to get a new beta out soon but that is just too much to ask of one programmer, hopefully it won't be too long of a wait.

Not sure what area to move to next.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 27

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant G2 is complete


3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 26

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant G3 is complete.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 25

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant G4 is complete

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 24

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant F3 is complete.

I'm sure that checkerboard would look nice with some fancy shaders on it, if only there were someone out there who knew how to implement them in Java.... wink wink...

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 23

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant F4 is complete.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 22

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant B2 is complete

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 21

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant D2 is complete

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 20

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant C2 is complete

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 19

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant E3 is complete.


So it seems someone else is working on a 3D remake of Link's Awakening, 'cept its in the style of OoT or Wind Waker. You can check it out here http://balladofthewindfish.blogspot.com/
My opinion on the matter? I think its great and I can't wait to play the finished game, however, I can't recognize any areas that he has made, I don't think it invokes any sense of nostalgia at all. I don't want any one to think there is any competition between us, in my mind his project is a re-imaging, while mine is an enhanced remake, that both just happen to be based on the same great game.

Good luck Jerrel!

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 18

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant D3 is complete

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 17

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant C3 is complete.

And I'm back

Well I was back yesterday but was dead tired so I pretty much just went to bed after I got home.
I took pictures of a bunch of different Link cosplayers while I was there, I will post them when I get the time.

Off to Con

Well I'm heading off to Sakuracon tonight at around 3 am, if you are going to be there, look for a guy in a black trench coat (or cloak, going to be switching between the two) with a white top hat and goggles, that would be me. I also might have some form of pole-arm with me, but yeah, if you see me feel free to say high.

I will try to get in an update or two tonight before I leave.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 16

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant A3 is complete.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 15

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant A4 is complete.

testing out how the pure pink looks when semi transparent.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 14

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant A5 is complete

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 13

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant B4 is complete

While I have been making several posts lately, I know that I am making fewer actual quadrant updates. I am sorry about this, I am trying to get used to my new diet and exercise routine (wouldn't you know, after working a year at McDonalds and two as a Game tester, I've put on a little weight) quadrant updates should speed up again shortly.

Also I was asked by one of my close friends to be the reverend (long story, short version is I am a priest of a generic religion set up to allow people of different faiths to be easily wed) for him and his fiancee's wedding, so when ever they decide to do that, I won't be making updates that day.

(for those wondering, I've already lost around 7 lbs during my first week, yay me!)

Specular/Bump map explination

Since not every one knows what a shader is, or what bump or specular maps are, I thought I should explain it using textures from the shader test post.

Please note that for this demonstration I have increased the size of the textures by 1600% so you can see them better.

First off, the base map:

The base, or diffuse, map determines the basic colors of a texture, all the dungeons and other places show so far are only using a base map. The one above (level1_blue_tile) gives the impression of blue stones set together in a pattern.

Next is the Bump map:

The Bump map is a gray scale image used to add depth to a texture. White areas will appear to be raised, while black areas will appear sunken, you can control how raised or sunken an area appears with lighter or dark shades of gray, the lighter the shade, the higher it will appear. Notice I made the tops of the stone pure white, the edges of the stones gray, and the cracks between the stones black, as seen in the shader test, this makes the cracks seem to sink into the floor.

Next is the Specular map:

The Specular map is another gray scale image, this one controls how shiny a texture is. Just like with the bump map, lighter areas are shinier then darker areas. Here I made the tops of the rocks shiny, the edges kinda shiny, and the cracks not shiny at all, I also made the darker areas on the top of the rocks less shiny then the rest of the top, but shinier then the edges.

Next is the Specular Color map:

The Specular Color map controls the color of the shininess that the Specular map creates, so instead of everything having a white shine to it, you can give gold a golden shine, or in this instance, the top of the rocks a pinkish shine with reddish under tones.

There is another type of map called the Alpha map, it is a gray scale image that controls how visible a texture is, pure white areas are completely visible, black areas are completely invisible, gray areas are semi-visible. I didn't use an Alpha map in the shader test so I don't have an example.

And finally there is the Shader its self, the Shader is not an actual texture, you can think of it sorta like a recipe and all the maps I've shown you ingredeants, the Shader tells the game how to make a texture look by combining all the above maps together to make some thing amazing.

This concludes our lesson for the day, I hope you learned something new.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 12

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant C4 is complete.

Sorry, no sexy shader magic in this one, that was all done in a separate file, all the more reason for those who know java programming and can get shaders working for us to contact me.

shader testing

Please note, NONE of this is in game.

I have been messing around with lighting, specular maps, and bump maps lately, seeing how things look.

For instance, here the ground has a bump map (makes a 2d texture look like it has depth) and a specular map (makes parts of it shiny! Yay shinys!) applied to it, which makes it pop out a bit.

This shot (click for full size) shows the above ground texture combined with very (very) rough lighting set up, rest assured I would not have such harsh lighting in the actual game, but I would love to have some neat lighting effects, especially around torches.

Incidentally, if you are familiar with Java programming and wanted to help out, knowing how to implement shaders would be a great skill with which to get you on board... wink wink... please?

Mattress Jousting

Pillow Fighting isn't particularly deserving of being classified as a strange game unless you can get people to play it en-masse as in last Saturday's Global Pillow Fight DayCreated by the Urban Playground movement the idea was to hold mass pillow fighting events in as many countries as possible.The king of strange games using bedroom soft furnishings however has got to be Mattress Jousting. The

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 11

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant D4 is complete

There were supposed to be some big block things in this quadrant and the last, but since I can't tell which ones the player can move and which ones the player can't from my screenshot maps, I'm going to have them all be scenery.

According to Ryan, the main source of that lag we are encountering is not due to the high poly count of the overworld (since the computer ignores polys you can't see) but is from the collision map, right now the game is checking for collisions all over the island, instead of just the area visible to the player.

I am going to continue trimming down the overworld, but I'm going to shift focus more towards making the interiors again.

I've got some other really cool stuff to show you guys, but that will have to wait til later.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 10

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant E4 is complete.

Still working on the overworld, shaving around 2000 polys off of each area, I figure I can work a few quadrants in as well.

Short break

Since the over world has not been running very smoothly in game lately, I'm taking some time to go back and remake it. No, I am not remaking it from scratch, I am just reducing the poly count in places that are needlessly complex. This should only take a week at most, and the only difference you will notice in game is a better frame rate.

3d Links Awakening Dungeon update 9

Level 1 - Tail Cave quadrant E5 is complete.